Why Lace Should Be A Staple in Your Closet

Why Lace Should Be A Staple in Your Closet

Besides the fact that it's sexy. Lace as dimension to your outfit and gives you the perfect feminine touch. The Lace Maxi Cardigan, is my first design. It's my baby. I wanted to create something that was versatile, you can pair it with jeans and a dress white top or a maxi black dress. Its stunning lace that runs a quarter way down the sleeve and along the bottom of the cardigan gives it an elegant look. 

"I believe lace has the ability to provoke so many symbols and even senses because it is one of the most complex and intricate fabrics to create," says designer Laura Arkin, who creates vintage-inspired headpieces at L.A. Boudoir Miami. "Your high-quality lace (which is normally very expensive) can have very intricate yet delicate designs, so its construction complexity reflects its allure. Lace patterns can range from the sweet (floral lace) to the sexy (spider lace) and more. While cotton is seen as pure and satin as sensual and so forth, lace has no stereotype. It encompasses all, which holds great power for this fabric."

Cut to a few centuries later and Marie Antoinette and Queen Victoria were positively swimming in the fabric. From there, you might as well fast forward this reel all the way to the early 1900s, when amateur lacemaking began to blow up and lace could be replicated in a jiffy, thanks to the sewing machine. The sudden ubiquity of lace meant two things: Hell to the yes, more women could now stock up on Queen Alexandra of Denmark knockoff gowns, and designers now had carte blanche to go crazy experimenting with lace, exploring its many hidden faces.

With the growth of the lace industry, and the 1920s flappers’s desire for a more modern take on lace that included dresses with straight lines, a relaxed fit, and mixed lace patterns, lace morphed into one of the most complex fabrics on the planet. Almost a century later, it’s still a fabric that still can’t decide whether it’s an angel or a devil; a luxury fabric we place on the highest pedestal or a saucy fiber used to make bargain basement négligées.